


2.contemporary china是什么意思 contemporary with是什么意思及发音

4.一个英语辨析题 modern 与 contemporary 的区别 举例说明,

5.在英文语境中 modern 和 contemporary 有什么区别


















contemporary china是什么意思







       当代的, 同时代的






       adj.Abbr. contemp.(形容词)缩写 contemp.

       Belonging to the same period of time:


       a fact documented by two contemporary sources.


       Of about the same age.


       Current; modern:


       contemporary trends in design.



       复数 con.tem.po.rar.ies缩写 contemp.

       One of the same time or age:


       Shelley and Keats were contemporaries.


       A person of the present age.


       Medieval Latin contempor?s

       中世纪拉丁语 contempor?s

       Latin com- [com-]

       拉丁语 com- [前缀,表“合”]

       Latin tempus tempor- [time]

       拉丁语 tempus tempor- [时代]

       Latin -?s [-ary]

       拉丁语 -?s [后缀,表“与…有关的人”]


       AHD:[-t?m”p…-r?r“…-l?] (副词)

       contemporary, contemporaneous, simultaneous, synchronous, concurrent, coincident, concomitant

       These adjectives mean existing or occurring at the same time.


       Contemporary is used more often of persons, [x]contemporaneous of events and facts:

       Contemporary 更多地用来形容人,而contemporaneous 则形容事件或事实:

       The composer Salieri had the misfortune of being contemporary with Mozart.


       A rise in interest rates is often contemporaneous with an increase in inflation. Only contemporary has the sense “modern” or “present-day”:

       利率的提高常常与通货膨胀的增长同时出现。 只有contemporary 有“现代的”或“当前的”之意:

       I heard a concert of contemporary music.


       Simultaneous more narrowly specifies occurrence of events at the same time:

       Simultaneous 更为狭义地具体指事件的同时发生:

       Opponents of nuclear power tried to organize simultaneous demonstrations in all the major cities.


       Synchronous refers to correspondence of events in time over a generally short period:

       Synchronous 指事件在一般为期较短的时间内的一致:

       The animal uttered a series of low cries that seemed synchronous with its heartbeat.


       Concurrent implies parallelism in character or length of time:

       Concurrent 含有在性质或时间段上一致的意思:

       The mass murderer was given three concurrent life sentences.


       Coincident applies to events occurring at the same time without implying a relationship between them:

       Coincident 适用于同时发生的事件但并不暗示它们之间有相互联系:

       “The resistance to the Pope's authority . . . is pretty nearly coincident with the rise of the Ottomans” (John Henry Newman).

       “对教皇权威的反抗与奥斯曼土耳其人的兴起几乎同时发生” (约翰·亨利·纽曼)。

       Concomitant refers to coincidence in time of events so clearly related that one seems attendant on the other:

       Concomitant 也指事件的同时发生,但这些事件有明显的相互联系以至于似乎一件事是随着另一件事而产生的结果:

       He is an adherent of the theories of Sigmund Freud and had a concomitant belief in the efficacy of psychoanalysis.


       When contemporary is used in reference to something in the past, its meaning is not always clear. Contemporary critics of Shakespeare may mean critics in his time or critics in our time. When the context does not make the meaning clear, misunderstanding can be avoided by using phrases such as critics in Shakespeare's time or modern critics.

       当comtemporary 被用来指过去的事情时, 它的含义有时是很模糊的。Contemporary critics of Shakespeare 可以表示与莎士比亚同时代的评论家们或者我们当代的评论家们。 如果上下文不能说清楚意思,可以用诸如critics in Shakespeare's time(莎士比亚那个时代的评价家们) 或 modern critics(当代评论家们) 之类的短语以避免产生误解




       同代的人, 同时期的人; 同辈


       同时代的报刊, 报刊同业

       Keats and Shelley were -ries.


       Is this musician a contemporary

       ? 这位音乐家是现代人吗?






       contemporary literature [writers]


       Marlowe was contemporary with Shakespeare.


       C-cars are more streamlined than older ones.


       contemporary contemporaneous

       都含 “同时代的”意思。

       contemporary 可用于人或事物, 如:contemporary records of events 同时代的大事记。 contemporaneous只用于物, 如:contemporaneous events 同时发生的事件

       ancient outdated.


       来自拉丁语 com- 同 + temporarius 时代的< tempus时间

be contemporary with是什么意思及发音

       contemporary China当代中国




       当代的,现代的; 同时代的,同属一个时期的;


       同代人; 同辈人; 同龄人; 当代人;


       She writes a lot of contemporary music for people like Whitney Houston.


       In contemporary society 在当代社会 是习惯用法,不用加 the。

       2.China 中国 表示中国的时候要大写首字母

       小写指 陶瓷

        所以翻译是 当代中国

一个英语辨析题 modern 与 contemporary 的区别 举例说明,

       be contemporary with...与......处于同一时代;音标为:英[k?n?tempr?ri]; 美[k?n?temp?reri](读作: 必肯坦颇罗瑞为日)。

       关键词:contemporary (形容词)当代的,现代的; 同时代的,同属一个时期的;(名词)同代人; 同辈人; 同龄人; 当代人。例如:

       So he moved the date of Chinese civilization back a thousand years so that Chinese civilization would be contemporary with ancient Egypt.


        Shakespeare was not contemporary with Dickens. 莎士比亚与狄更斯不是同时代的人。

       He is probably the most reviled man in contemporary theatre. 他可能是当代戏剧界骂声最多的人。

       Like most of my contemporaries, I grew up in a vastly different world.和大多数同辈人一样,我生长在一个截然不同的世界。

在英文语境中 modern 和 contemporary 有什么区别

       modern n.现代人,有思想的人 adj.近代的,现代的,现代化的,时髦的顾名思义,倾向于现在,当今,当代潮流.eg.Shelley and Keats owned modern thought.雪莱和济慈拥有当代思想.contemporary n.同时代的人 adj.当代的,同时...


       但modern有“时髦的”意思,“contemporary”有个短语“be contemporary with”表示“两个人(物)同时代”。简言之,contemporary单纯的强调时间,modern有情感因素。
